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Join or Form a Team

Teams meet on a set schedule, typically once or twice a week, for a total of an hour on the water each session. There are two team options: Sponsored and  Community.


Paddlers in sponsored teams are already members of a team, in that they share a commonality outside dragon boating - for example, they may be coworkers, or members of the same club - and are usually sponsored by the entity to whom they belong. For their practices they book a whole boat. The cost is $100 per boat/outing, and CDBA provides all necessary equipment, steerer, and instruction.

Community teams are comprised of people from all walks of life who want to paddle with friends and make new ones. Or, as they say, they "just want to paddle." To prove this point, in addition to their regular team practice, these paddlers will typically be seen practicing with other community teams. Unlike sponsored teams, community teams don’t book a whole boat; rather, each paddler pays their own way. The cost is $10 per paddler/session.

Any and all paddlers, whether sponsored or not, can buy a season pass for $110 that allows for unlimited paddling. Season pass holders can practice with any community team, subject to space availability.

The following community teams are accepting new members:

Cleveland Dragons

Dragon Slayers 
Practice: Tuesdays  
2nd date TBA
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